Poppetite.Co (Personal Care Product Using Food Ingredients)
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Nama Pemilik
Poppy Lukytasari
Jumlah Produk
9 Produk
Poppetite.Co is a small business that provide product from Personal Care to Home Living. We created minimalist product with less chemical contains, natural, eco-friendly, used food grade ingredients, crafted in a small batch. Each ingredients is intuitively balanced, with these ingredients we put on, it makes our products vegan and halal. Poppetite.Co was born in 2019. Inspired by people who has lack on self love. We provide products to encourage you on your self-improvement journey. Lots of research through trials and errors has develop all the time before selling to the market. We have Bath Bomb, Crumble Bath, Coconut Soap Bar, Laundry Detergent, Laundry Soap Bar, & Scented Candles. We wanted to make something that is really beneficial not only for your skin, but for your whole body, mind and soul.
Jl. Cikutra no 260, Cibeunying Kidul, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat, ID 40124
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